2023-6-18 Green Tara Mantra Practice

Green Tara is the most responsive deity in Tibetan Buddhism. She has the ability to transform the “doubt” aspect among the five human behaviors known as the Five Poisons—greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and doubt—into perfect wisdom. Tibetans firmly believe in the merits of Green Tara’s protection and support for women and children. By sincerely praying and practicing devotion to her, one can receive her blessings and constant protection.

Practicing the Green Tara tantra can break the cycle of life and death, eliminate all obstacles, negative karma, and illnesses. It can also bring about the dispelling of calamities, increase in merits, extension of lifespan, and the expansion of wisdom. All aspirations and wishes can be fulfilled, and one can achieve longevity and abundance. The benefits and virtues of this practice are immeasurable.

In particular, those who are involved in business, managerial positions, or desire success in their work can engage in this practice together to enhance favorable conditions and remove unfavorable circumstances.

Recommendation: Traditionally, practicing the Green Tara rituals requires a vegetarian diet. Participants in the group practice can observe a vegetarian diet for the entire day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). If it is inconvenient or circumstances do not permit, participants can consume water from a consecrated bottle (assistance will be provided) during the group practice at the center. This is considered an expedient and acceptable alternative.

For more information : Green Tara

  • Address: 5th Floor, No. 50, Alley 3, Lane 182, Section 2, Wenhua Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City.
  • Phone: 02-2253-7855
  • Note: Participants are welcome to bring offerings such as milk, fresh flowers, fruits, candies, and biscuits to make offerings to the Three Jewels (avoid offering items that have not been offered before, stick to vegetarian offerings, and refrain from offering meat, pungent spices, or unclean items).
  • Date: Sunday night, June 18, 2023 ; April 30th in the Tibetan calendar..
  • Time: Please be punctual and arrive at 19:00.

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